FETC Top EdTech Product
Featured on:
The Cult of PedagogyPodcast
Trusted by:
80+ Schools & Districts

Make school the hapPieSt place to work.

Beautiful surveys, delightful care packages, and real insights on teacher wellbeing. Everything you need to lead your school with confidence, in one simple solution.

It all starts with
one question.

The survey tEachers LovE to take.

A mockup depicting a mobile phone showing the Alpaca Survey.

Use our pulse check-ins and see why our school leaders say:

“... it’s offering our community a sense of voice that didn’t exist before we started using the Pulse Survey this year.”

A woman with a smile on her face.

Instantly available insights.

Alpaca gives you real time data on teacher wellbeing, so that you can act quickly.

The real words your teachers say.

Ask how they’re doing, in a way that feels great.

What helps the most right now?

When you know now, you can help now.

See what’s changing.

See how your efforts are improving morale over time.

Anonymous input that works.

No 1-5 scales or lengthy surveys. Just teachers’ real words.

Research-backed resources

Access simple, delightful ideas for supporting your team and strengthening school culture.

A table with a pile of papers and a pink sticky note.

“These resources are EXACTLY the thing I need, right when I need them. I use them every single week!”

A woman with a smile on her face.
A women laughing in a classroom.
A man wearing a pink and blue shirt with a smile on his face.

The easiest way to celebrate your staff!

Alpaca Celebration Kits arrive every month, ready to party! Everything you need is included.

A person blowing bubbles with a straw.
A collection of Alpaca Packs goodies.

Trusted by school leaders all over the country.

 Brandy Welch, Principal
“The results of the semantic pulse survey are what we use to structure everything to support teachers.”
Brandy Welch, Principal
Fred Becker Elementary School, Waterloo, Iowa
Eric Filardi, Principal
“It is one of the best tools that I've had the ability to use to have an immediate and direct impact on staff and students.”
Eric Filardi, Principal
Mendenhall River Community School, Juneau, AK
Brendon Jobs, Director of Upper School
 "I love Alpaca. I think that it's offering the community a sense of voice that didn't exist before we started using the pulse survey this year."
Brendon Jobs, Director of Upper School
Abington Friends School, Jenkintown, PA
Jennifer Miller, K-12 Principal
“So, what it’s really allowed me to do is spend my energy wisely on things that matter, and it has given me tools to do fun things and recognize teachers without having to do it all myself.”
Jennifer Miller, K-12 Principal
Everton R-III School District, Everton, MO