Ask often,
use real words.

What if asking teachers what they need, offering delightful celebrations, and creating a way to show gratitude could change the way teachers feel about work?

“People are 12 times more likely to recommend their employer if they feel like their feedback is being listened to and actioned.”

- Qualtrics, "The Complete Guide to Pulse Surveys for Employees"

Semantic Pulse Surveys

At Alpaca, we’ve taken two ideas — Semantic Scale and Pulse Surveys, and combined them to create a unique approach to asking teachers about their experience at work.

So what are Semantic Pulse Surveys, anyway?

Semantic Scale: Real words, not 1-5 scales

Better participation + nuanced results

Semantic differential scales use adjectives or phrases to describe someone’s experience, instead of 1-5 scales that can reduce your experience to a number. Semantic Differential Scales have been in use in surveys since the 1950s.

Why are words better than number scales? Because semantic scales can offer context, and reveal subtle and nuanced facets of attitudes, giving you more actionable information.

Pulse Surveys: A fast way to understand sentiment

60 seconds to understand (and act on) employee sentiment

A pulse survey is a short set of questions sent to employees on a regular basis.

The goal of a pulse survey is to continuously gather feedback and measure sentiment within an organization, more often and more accurately than your once-a-year climate survey. Why? Because no one likes surprises on their annual staff survey!

“77% of employees want to provide feedback more than once per year”

- Qualtrics, "The Complete Guide to Pulse Surveys for Employees"

Scores can be a wall.  Words can open a door.

Alpaca’s unique semantic pulse surveys start a conversation, instead of focusing on a single number or score. With Alpaca’s “top words” data report, you might ask your team:

- What’s driving “energized” and “committed” as the top words on our list? Let’s celebrate that!

- What are 3 ideas you have for helping our team feel less “burned out” or “exhausted”? What would help the most?

What words would your teachers use to describe work?

Hear from your teachers in their own words, so that you can celebrate and support them in meaningful ways. You’re less than a minute away from happier teachers.

Book a demo of Alpaca Pulse!
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