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Announcing: Celebration Packs!

Your secret to awesome teacher recognition


How much stuff will my school get?

Alpaca packs are sized by the number of participating parents, split evenly across the whole school. The more subscribers your school has, the more stuff you get! When you get more subscribers, we'll send more stuff!

Why is Alpaca better than just buying stuff ourselves?

When parents pool our resources, we can buy in bulk and deliver more for every dollar. Because we're buying in bulk or wholesale, we aim to deliver at least 25% more than a teacher or single parent could provide by buying it themselves. Plus, we’ll send parents a list of everything their school got, every single month.

Are the school supplies any good?

Absolutely! No cheap-o crayons here. We know that having the right tools for the job is important for every profession -- teaching is no different. Teachers know what teachers need -- that's why our supplies are chosen every month by our crew of awesome educators. Plus, we ask for feedback from schools every month to make sure we're getting each one what they need!

What happens in the Summer?

During the summer months, we'll keep our subscriptions, but since schools are closed, we combine the June, July, and August subscriptions and do a BIG triple shipment for Back to School in the summer. Our combined dollars help teachers get ready for the school year without having to shop for a bunch of stuff.

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