Phoenix Academy
Phoenix Academy is a private K-8 school in Omaha, Nebraska. Phoenix Academy serves 112 students in grades K - 8. Phoenix Academy helps children with learning challenges get back on track. When you subscribe to Alpaca for Phoenix Academy, you’ll be sending packages of needed supplies and teacher appreciation to 17 educators every month!

Provides support that teachers can count on.
Helps our school get more support, faster.
Fully funds a monthly supply pack for one teacher.
Provides support that teachers can count on.
Helps our school get more support, faster.
Fully funds a monthly supply pack for one teacher.
Phoenix Academy
When local businesses sponsor Alpaca for your school, teachers get more of what they need, and your business gets a great connection to your school. Plus, it’s easy!

Help in a Different Way
If you’d like to write thank-you notes, lend your creative skills, help box and deliver our packs, or just spread the word, we’d love to hear from you!